Journeying Thoughts

Navigating the "Year of Faith" at St. Peter Claver Catholic Community, Tampa, Florida

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IMG_0847St. Peter Claver’s first All Men’s Day…October 6, 2013…It would be remiss of me, indeed, if I didn’t share my thoughts in tribute to this historical day at our church. I’m sure anyone who was there can add to this sentiment I feel, am still feeling! WOW! From the moment I stepped into the church I could feel the difference in the air. It was electric. But first let me backtrack, briefly. There was a need to be met for all to see our Black MEN stand united at church. The call was sent out by my very own Dad and the call was answered by many men who before sat in the pews and maybe did not see the need for their involvement. I couldn’t be prouder that my Dad took the initiative and led an event that was surely needed. In my opinion there is no time to wait to be called upon to do things. A leader just jumps IN and does. In these times when Black men are being persecuted (starting with our Potus) I feel it is highly important to support and encourage them. It is also just as important to SEE that they’re doing positive and progressive things.

Speaking from my own personal testimony…I know without a shred of doubt were it not for the part my Dad has had in my life..I’d not currently be as deeply embedded in the Catholic Faith as I am. Real talk for real…Therefore I can also say with no hesitation I’m more than sure that this past Sunday’s all men’s day  will make a difference to the youth. They ARE watching us all at all times, even more so when we don’t realize they’re watching and learning from us. So much in this life is learned from mere actions and not words! 

The sound of the men’s voices singing in the choir together touched my very soul to the point that I didn’t know whether to cry or dance with joy! I felt a need to write something, anything, to let each and every man present know how much they’re appreciated and NEEDED. I’m hopeful y’all saw the many who stood UP to praise and sing, read, serve, greet and usher! I’m hopeful also that All Men’s Day becomes a long standing SPC tradition. I’ve felt proud to be a St. Peter Claver Church member since day 1. Yesterday I was even more proud. I thank you all. Yes, you are men and you are necessary for our progression!

Sincerely Your Sista in Christ, Bernadette Nellum-Guillory

October 9, 2013

Thank you Bernadette for your thoughts and contribution. DB

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